Charger for Portable Devices
This is a simple charger you can build for devices. It can be modified for any device. This may need no modification for devices that are charged using PC USB port.
This is a simple charger you can build for devices. It can be modified for any device. This may need no modification for devices that are charged using PC USB port.
A typical Mains Powered China Lamp. On power down, LED light turns on for around 1/2 hr. Gets damaged on lightning activity and wide (uS not nS) transients above 300V. Drawing may have error.
I fixed a China Torch with New LEDs and a Diode, it failed probably on a drop shock, the battery wire cut … then when put on charge Few LEDs went bad, as battery...
Mains Adapter Converts 230V AC 50 Hz to Rectified DC which replaces a Battery Pack. It was also called Battery Eliminator by older generations as it was used to save Battery Cost in AM...