Karl Lunts Embedded Robots
This site contains lots of embedded control and robotics projects that I’ve developed over the years. Many were featured in past articles in Nuts & Volts magazine, and in my book, Build Your Own...
This site contains lots of embedded control and robotics projects that I’ve developed over the years. Many were featured in past articles in Nuts & Volts magazine, and in my book, Build Your Own...
Amateur Science, Cool Science, Gravity, Energy, Fusion, Tesla Coil Page. Neodymium Supermagnets, Science Toys. Significantly Worthwhile Books, Science Fair Ideas, Science Demos Articles, Experiments, Exhibits, Kids’ Science Projects, The Science Club. Projects for beginners,...
“I present, below, a collection of projects I have worked-on over the past few years. For over a decade, I had taught both embedded systems (microcontroller technology) and digital signal processing and practice what...
From Joule Thief Artbots to Picaxe Projects. Bill and Mark Sherman are Making Things that Move. Some are Mood Beam Autopsy Make an artbot out of a Mood Beam toy. FireFly Project Make a...