Tagged: Vacuum-Tubes


DDDAC 2000 – Audiophile projects

Dedicated Website for Audiophile projects, such as a Diy High End DACs, Loudspeakers, Tube Amplifiers – Doede Douma DDDAC 2000 – Audiophile projects Setting up an Audio Streaming Server (for use with the DDDAC1543...

Electronic Projects of Ronald

Ronald Dekker’s Nixie Tube Projects and Software. He has many interesting projects like “Mixed-Signal” LED clock, The µTracer, a miniature tube curve tracer. A Tiny 80(C)31 Basic Board. Electronic Projects of Ronald I Colored...

Tom Jennings – World Power Systems

“I make things, mostly technological, but don’t hold me to that, consistency is not a human virtue. Electronics and software, cast iron and plastics, microcontrollers in vintage automobiles, faux historical machinery that could (not)...