Thomas Driemeyer – Bicycle Guide

“I often get asked about bicycle maintenance and repairs, and tips for how to ride efficiently. This little manual is intended as a summary of what I have learned over the years. I am not a professional mechanic.
Thomas Driemeyer – Bicycle Guide
All of what I say here is the result of personal experience and opinion and may in places flatly contradict professional techniques, but it has served me well. I offer no guarantees that it will work for you. If your bicycle falls apart because I said something wrong, you are on your own.” – Thomas Driemeyer .
This page shows how to build a lamp using this module that can be programmed to show any color or cycle of colors, as instructed by a PC or Mac over a serial RS232 line. (Or USB, using a cheap USB-to-serial adapter – unfortunately USB cables cannot be longer than about two meters before they become either unreliable or very expensive.)