Turbokeus Hobby and Electronic Projects

My nixies & nixie clocks, Blue & White 7-segment LED Clocks, PIC16F84 based Dark Room Timer, PIC16F876 based 2-channel Electronic TL-Dimmer.
Turbokeus Hobby and Electronic Projects
Low drop Temperature Controlled FANregulators with LM2941CT & LF356. Digital Flowmeter for SwissFlow flowsensor. 15V – 7A PWM Speed Controller with NE556 & N-MOSFET for minidrill.
3-digit frequencymeter for SwissFlow flowsensor
This schematic is ment to digitally display the output of my electronic Swissflow SF800 flow sensor. This sensor puts out an open collector square wave signal (like a fan RPM monitoring signal) between 50Hz (=0.5 liter/minute) and 2000Hz (=20 liter/minute). By dividing the measured frequency by 10 and putting the decimal point at the right place you get directly a display in liter/minute.